welcome to lolo

We’re excited to start working together! There are a few helpful things to know as you work to get set up within LoLo. Feel free to browse our help articles for more information, or follow the steps below to get started.



Once you’ve created an account, your first step is to add your personal contact information (name, phone number, website, photo) and customize your branding (logo, banner colors, etc.). Learn more about how to set up your account here.



The next step will be to import your contacts with a CSV file. When you're ready to import contacts, head to 'Contacts' from the sidebar menu and select 'Import.'

From here, you'll be walked through the process of importing contacts. Once your contacts are in the system, they can all be managed from your dashboard at any time. For more information on importing contacts, click here.



Your final step will be to make sure you've activated your subscription. You will not be charged until the first gift sends, but keep in mind that gifts will not send out until this step is completed. You can head to the 'Billing' tab on the sidebar menu to agree to your subscription terms, enter your card, and start the subscription.



You can use THIS MAP to determine when gifts for your area will release into your account for review. Auto-send date will be 2 days later.

You will receive a notification email one week prior to gift campaigns and a second notification email when gifts are released into your account and ready for review.



  • After the gift copies into your account, you'll have a 48-hour window to edit recipients, customize the gift message, or skip the gift before it automatically delivers to your contacts.

  • Gifts automatically send out 2 days later.



We recommend notifying any new recipients that they'll start receiving monthly gifts. This helps the recipients know to expect communication and that the gift isn't spam or too good to be true!

Subscribers have seen a dramatic increase in engagement when contacts know to expect the gift email/text.

Here are a few template options in case you get stuck on messaging!



  • You can start tracking engagement inside your LoLo dashboard after the first gift sends.

  • Average engagement score is around 70%, which is helpful to keep in mind because redemption rates are usually lower.

  • Retention of existing relationships translates to more referrals and repeat business, and the Local Gift of the Month program is a great way to nurture your network.

  • Success with our program comes from staying top-of-mind in a meaningful way every month; it's the thought that counts!

Check out our Resource Library for more helpful tips.